Publicaciones del autor

Cornelio Yáñez Márquez

Titulo Descripción Año
Detección Automática de Fracturas Craneales en Imágenes Radiográficas 1 Convención Internacional Tecnología y Salud 20009 2009
Avances y Consolidación en el Tratamiento y Adecuación de Bases de Datos con los Modelos Asociativos Alfa-Beta Semana Ceis/Alfa-Beta 2009
Análisis y Predicción de los Niveles de Ozono en la Ciudad de México Mediante Modelos Asociativos Alfa-Beta III Simposio Intenacional de Medio Ambiente 2008
Modelos Asociativos Alfa-Beta: Génesis, conceptos básicos y aplicaciones XIV Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (CCIA 14) 2008
The New Informatics Technologies in Education Debate Communications in Computer and Information Science; First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008 2008
Analysis and Predicition of Air Quality Data with the Gamma Classifier Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007
Application of the gamma classifier to environmental data prediction IEEE Computer Society, Proc. CERMA 2008 2007
A real time artificial visual implementation of quality inspection of industrial products IEEE Computer Society, Proc. CERMA 2008 2007
Simplification of the learning phase in the alpha-beta associative memories IEEE Computer Society, Proc. Proceedings - Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2008 2008
High tension monitoring system for the mexico city¿s subway Proc. de la XIII Convención de Ingeniería Eléctrica 2006
La teletransmisión en el sistema de transportecolectivo (metro) Proc. de la XIII Convención de Ingeniería Eléctrica 2006
Perfect recall on the lernmatrix Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISI Proceedings) 2006
Fuzzy models for software development effort estimation of small programs: a comparison based upon mmer as well as heteroscedasticity Proc. of SERP 2007 - WORLDCOMP07 CREA Press 2006
Non parametric identifier for parkinson's disease dynamics by fuzzy-genetic controller Proc.of the 18th International Conference MODELLING AND SIMULATION 2006
Cellular mathematical morphology IEEE Computer Society, Proc. MICAI 2007 2006
Design of an evolutionary codebook based on morphological associative memories Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISI Proceedings) 2006
Complete recall on alpha-beta heteroassociative memory Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISI Proceedings) 2006
Skull fractures detection by finite element method EEE Computer Society, Proc. Electronics, Robotics, and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2007 2006
Image recognition processor based on morphological associative memories EEE Computer Society, Proc. Electronics, Robotics, and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2007 2006
An automatic color retrieval system based on artificial intelligence techniques CARS & FOF 07 2006

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