Publicaciones del autor

Grigori Sidorov

Titulo Descripción Año
Word sense disambiguation in a spanish explanatory dictionary TALN-2001 (Tratamiento Automático de Lenguaje Natural) 2000
Algorithm of word sense disambiguation in an explanatory dictionary COMPLEX-2001, Workshop on Computational Lexicography, Birmingham, Great Britain 2000
On subject-predicate agreement in spanish International conference CIC Ling2000, Mexico 1999
Role of lexical meaning in resolution of hidden anaphora for demonstrative pronouns 7st International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, Hungary 1999
Sistema inteligente de recuperación de textos políticos de la base de datos documental del senado de la república mexicana CIC 2000, Congreso Internacional en Computación 1999
Coherence maintenance in human-machine dialogue: indirect antecedents and ellipses International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems, Greenwich, England 1999
Dictionary-based method for coherence maintenance in man-machine dialogue with indirect antecedents and ellipses Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Third International Workshop, TSD 2000 2000
A comparative analysis of the semantic field 'non-adult' in russian, english, and spanish (in russian) International Conf. on Applied Linguistics Dialogue-2000, Moscow, Russia 1999
Coherence maintenance in man-machine dialogue with ellipses. MICAI-2000, Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico 1999
non-adult semantic field 3rd Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation. Batumi, Georgia 1998
A dictionary-based algorithm for indirect anaphora resolution Venecia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue (VEXTAL), Venice, Italy 1998
A system for search and classification of the documents with the use of a hierarchic thematic dictionary (in russian, abstract in english) 8th International Conference Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution (KDS¿99), Yalta, Ukraine 1998
A method of describing document contents through topic selection. SPIRE-99, International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Mexico 1998
La resolución de correferencia con un diccionario de escenarios. CIC 1999, Congreso Internacional en Computación 1998
Demonstrative pronouns as markers of indirect anaphora. International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tokyo, Japan 1998
Use of a weighted topic hierarchy for document classification Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Second International Workshop, TSD’99 1999
A method of detection and resolution of hidden anaphora (in russian, abstract in english) International Conf. on Applied Linguistics Dialogue-99, Moscow, Russia 1998
Methods of analysis of combinability of words in russian conference Belgium - Holland - Russia, (in Russian), UNIVESIDAD DE MAASTRICHT Y "NAUKA", 1998
Genetic algorithm for automatic division of words into morphemes. International Conference Dialogue-2008 on computational linguistics and its applications 2007
Dynamic programming with lexical similarity calculation in alignment of parallel texts and its evaluation International Conference Dialogue-2007 on computational linguistics and its applications 2006

Página 2 de 9, Viendo 20 registros de 178 en total, Registro inicial 21, registro final 40.