Titulo |
Descripción |
Año |
Word sense disambiguation in a spanish explanatory dictionary |
TALN-2001 (Tratamiento Automático de Lenguaje Natural) |
2000 |
Algorithm of word sense disambiguation in an explanatory dictionary |
COMPLEX-2001, Workshop on Computational Lexicography, Birmingham, Great Britain |
2000 |
On subject-predicate agreement in spanish |
International conference CIC Ling2000, Mexico |
1999 |
Role of lexical meaning in resolution of hidden anaphora for demonstrative pronouns |
7st International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, Hungary |
1999 |
Sistema inteligente de recuperación de textos políticos de la base de datos documental del senado de la república mexicana |
CIC 2000, Congreso Internacional en Computación |
1999 |
Coherence maintenance in human-machine dialogue: indirect antecedents and ellipses |
International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems, Greenwich, England |
1999 |
Dictionary-based method for coherence maintenance in man-machine dialogue with indirect antecedents and ellipses |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Third International Workshop, TSD 2000 |
2000 |
A comparative analysis of the semantic field 'non-adult' in russian, english, and spanish (in russian) |
International Conf. on Applied Linguistics Dialogue-2000, Moscow, Russia |
1999 |
Coherence maintenance in man-machine dialogue with ellipses. |
MICAI-2000, Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico |
1999 |
non-adult semantic field |
3rd Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation. Batumi, Georgia |
1998 |
A dictionary-based algorithm for indirect anaphora resolution |
Venecia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue (VEXTAL), Venice, Italy |
1998 |
A system for search and classification of the documents with the use of a hierarchic thematic dictionary (in russian, abstract in english) |
8th International Conference Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution (KDS¿99), Yalta, Ukraine |
1998 |
A method of describing document contents through topic selection. |
SPIRE-99, International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Mexico |
1998 |
La resolución de correferencia con un diccionario de escenarios. |
CIC 1999, Congreso Internacional en Computación |
1998 |
Demonstrative pronouns as markers of indirect anaphora. |
International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tokyo, Japan |
1998 |
Use of a weighted topic hierarchy for document classification |
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Second International Workshop, TSD’99 |
1999 |
A method of detection and resolution of hidden anaphora (in russian, abstract in english) |
International Conf. on Applied Linguistics Dialogue-99, Moscow, Russia |
1998 |
Methods of analysis of combinability of words in russian |
conference Belgium - Holland - Russia, (in Russian), UNIVESIDAD DE MAASTRICHT Y "NAUKA", |
1998 |
Genetic algorithm for automatic division of words into morphemes. |
International Conference Dialogue-2008 on computational linguistics and its applications |
2007 |
Dynamic programming with lexical similarity calculation in alignment of parallel texts and its evaluation |
International Conference Dialogue-2007 on computational linguistics and its applications |
2006 |
Página 2 de 9, Viendo 20 registros de 178 en total, Registro inicial 21, registro final 40.