Publicaciones del autor

Francisco Hiram Calvo Castro

Titulo Descripción Año
On Redundancy in multi-document summarization Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018
Modeling distribution of emotional reactions in social media using a multi-target strategy Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems 2018
Measuring Concept Semantic Relatedness through Common Spatial Pattern Feature Extraction on EEG Signals Cognitive Systems Research 2018
Impact of Polarity on Deception Detection Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018
Cascading Classifiers for Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Emotion Lexicons 17th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2016 2016
Symbolic Learning for Improving the Performance of Transversal-Computation Algorithms IEEE Access 2019
Predicting emotional reactions to news articles in social networks Computer Speech and Language 2019
Deep Green Diagnostics: Urban Green Space Analysis Using Deep Learning and Drone Images Sensors 2019
Learning an Efficient Gait Cycle of a Biped Robot Based on Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Neural Networks Applied Sciences-Basel 2019
Toward Universal Word Sense Disambiguation Using Deep Neural Networks IEEE Access 2019
Central Embeddings for Extractive Summarization Based on Similarity Computación y Sistemas 2019
Single-Stage Refinement CNN for Depth Estimation in Monocular Images Computación y Sistemas 2020
Estimation of Personality Traits From Portrait Pictures Using the Five-Factor Model IEEE Access 2020
Evolutionary Optimization of Ensemble Learning to Determine Sentiment Polarity in an Unbalanced Multiclass Corpus Entropy 2020
ASAMS: An Adaptive Sequential Sampling and Automatic Model Selection for Artificial Intelligence Surrogate Modeling Sensors 2020
Career path level estimation and skill qualification feedback from textual descriptions Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020
Psychological attachment style prediction based on short biographies Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020
Natural ontologies with elastic matching for elicited knowledge comparison Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020
Author Verification Using a Semantic Space Model Computación y Sistemas 2017
Irony Detection using Emotion Cues Computación y Sistemas 2020

Página 3 de 6, Viendo 20 registros de 115 en total, Registro inicial 41, registro final 60.