Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título Learning Co-relations of Plausible Verb Arguments with a WSM and a Distributional Thesaurus
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Resumen We propose a model based on the Word Space Model for calculating the plausibility of candidate arguments given one verb and one argument. The resulting information can be used in co-reference resolution, zero-pronoun resolution or syntactic ambiguity tasks. Previous work such as Selectional Preferences or Semantic Frames acquisition focuses on this task using supervised resources, or predicting arguments independently from each other. On this work we explore the extraction of plausible arguments considering their co-relation, and using no more information than that provided by the dependency parser. This creates a data sparseness problem alleviated by using a distributional thesaurus built from the same data for smoothing. We compare our model with the traditional PLSI method.
Observaciones 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009; Code 83218; ISBN: 3642102670;978-364210267-7
Lugar Guadalajara, Jalisco
País Mexico
No. de páginas 363-370
Vol. / Cap. 5856
Inicio 2009-11-15
Fin 2009-11-18
ISBN/ISSN 3642102670;978-36421