León Javier Alejandro
Cruz Cortés Nareli
Moreno Armendáriz Marco Antonio
Orantes Jiménez Sandra Dinora
Título Finding minimal addition chains with a particle swarm optimization algorithm
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 09)
Resumen The addition chains with minimal length are the basic block to the optimal computation of finite field exponentiations. It has very important applications in the areas of error-correcting codes and cryptography. However, obtaining the shortest addition chains for a given exponent is a NP-hard problem. In this work we propose the adaptation of a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to deal with this problem. Our proposal is tested on several exponents whose addition chains are considered hard to find. We obtained very promising results.
Observaciones Code 78796; ISBN: 3642052576;978-364205257-6 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2009
Lugar Guanajuato
País Mexico
No. de páginas 680-691
Vol. / Cap. 5845
Inicio 2009-11-09
Fin 2009-11-13
ISBN/ISSN 3642052576;978-36420