León Javier Alejandro
Moreno Armendáriz Marco Antonio
Cruz Cortés Nareli
Título Designing a Compact Genetic Algorithm with Minimal FPGA Resources
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing; 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence, IWACI 2009.
Resumen The Compact Genetic Algorithms (cGA) are searching methods used in different engineering applications. These algorithms have interesting features such as their capability to operate with very low memory resources while solving complex optimization problems. In this paper we present a novel design for the implementation of a cGA on a FPGA. This design is modular, so its components would be used for designing other Evolutionary Algorithms.
Observaciones Code 102778
Lugar Mexico City
País Mexico
No. de páginas 349-357
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 61 AISC
Inicio 2009-06-22
Fin 2009-06-23
ISBN/ISSN 978-3-642-03155-7