Chanona Pérez José Jorge
Moreno Armendáriz Marco Antonio
Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Godoy Calderón Salvador
Título Image Processing Applied to Classification of Avocado Variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) During the Ripening Process
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Food and Bioprocess Technology
Resumen This work was undertaken to analyze the ripening process of avocados variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) by image processing (IP) methodology. A set of avocados (10 samples) was used to follow the changes in image features during ripening by applying a computer vision system, extracting color and textural parameters. Other 16 avocados were used to evaluate the firmness and mass loss. Three maturity stages of avocados were established, and a classification was obtained by applying principal component analysis and k-nearest neighbor algorithm. During the ripening process (12 days), avocado firmness decreased from 75.43 to 2.63 N, while skin color values kept invariable during 6 days; after that, a decrement in the peel green color (a*) was observed (?9.68 to 2.32). Image features showed that during ripening the color parameters (L*, a*, and b*), entropy (4.29 to 4.00), angular second moment (0.287 to 0.360), and fractal dimension (2.58 to 2.44) had a similar path as compared to mass loss, a*, and firmness ripening parameters, respectively. Relationships between image features and ripening parameters were obtained. The parameter a* was the most useful digital feature to establish an acceptable percentage of avocado classification (>80%) in three different maturity stages found. Results obtained by means of IP could be useful to evaluate, at laboratory level, the ripening process of the avocados.
Observaciones Received: 15 November 2009 /Accepted: 2 May 2011 / Published online: 17 May 2011
País Estados Unidos
No. de páginas 1307-1313
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 4, Issue 7
Inicio 2011-10-01