Moreno Armendáriz Marco Antonio
Cruz Cortés Nareli
Duchanoy Martínez Carlos Alberto
León Javier Alejandro
Quintero Téllez Rolando
Título Hardware implementation of the elitist compact Genetic Algorithm using Cellular Automata pseudo-random number generator
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Computers and Electrical Engineering
Resumen In this paper the design and implementation of two versions of the compact Genetic Algorithm (cGA), with and without mutation and elitism, and a Cellular Automata-based pseudo-random number generator on a Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are accomplished. The design is made using a Hardware Description Language, called VHDL. Accordingly, the obtained results show that it is viable to have this searching algorithm in hardware to be used in real time applications.
País Inglaterra
No. de páginas 1367-1379
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 39, Issue 4
Inicio 2013-05-01