Hernández Zavala Antonio
Batyrshin Ildar
Camacho Nieto Oscar
Sidorov Grigori
Villa Vargas Luis Alfonso
Título On generation and FPGA implementation of digital fuzzy parametric conjunctions
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Applied and Computational Mathematics
Resumen The paper discusses the problem of generation and efficient hardware implementation of families of digital fuzzy parametric conjunctions that can be used as basic modules of digital fuzzy systems with reconfigurable operations. The paper proposes several methods of generation and FPGA implementation of such operations satisfying to requirements of modularity and utilization of simplest operations like comparison, min, max, bounded sum, bounded difference providing efficient hardware implementation of families of digital fuzzy parameterized conjunctions.
Lugar Bakú
País Azerbayan
No. de páginas 150-164
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 11, Issue 2
Inicio 2012-01-01
Fin 2012-01-15