Galicia Haro Sofía Natalia
Gelbukh Alexander
Título Extracting Human Spanish Nouns
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Resumen In this article we present a simple method to extract Spanish nouns with the linguistic property of “human” animacy. We describe a non-supervised method based on lexical patterns and on a person name list enlarged from a collection of newspaper texts. Results were obtained from the Web filters and estimation methods are proposed to validate them.
Observaciones 13th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2010; ISBN: 3642157599;978-364215759-2
Lugar Brun
País República Checa
No. de páginas 75-83
Vol. / Cap. 6231
Inicio 2010-09-06
Fin 2010-09-10
ISBN/ISSN 3642157599;978-36421