Gelbukh Alexander
Título A Syntactic Textual Entailment System Based on Dependency Parser
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Resumen The development of a syntactic textual entailment system that compares the dependency relations in both the text and the hypothesis has been reported. The Stanford Dependency Parser has been run on the 2-way RTE-3 development set and the dependency relations obtained for a text and hypothesis pair has been compared. Some of the important comparisons are: subject-subject comparison, subject-verb comparison, object-verb comparison and cross subject-verb comparison. Corresponding verbs are further compared using the WordNet. Each of the matches is assigned some weight learnt from the development corpus. A threshold has been set on the fraction of matching hypothesis relations based on the development set. The threshold score has been applied on the RTE-4 gold standard test set using the same methods of dependency parsing followed by comparisons. Evaluation scores obtained on the test set show 54.75% precision and 53% recall for YES decisions and 54.45% precision and 56.2% recall for NO decisions.
Observaciones 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, CICLing 2010; Code 82968; ISBN: 3642121152;978-364212115-9
Lugar Iasi
País Rumania
No. de páginas 269-278
Vol. / Cap. 6008
Inicio 2010-03-21
Fin 2010-03-27
ISBN/ISSN 3642121152;978364212