Torres Ramos Sulema
Gelbukh Alexander
Título Comparing Similarity Measures for Original WSD Lesk Algorithm
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción Research in Computing Science
Resumen There are many similarity measures to determine the similarity relatedness between two words. Measures of similarity or relatedness are used in such applications as word sense disambiguation. One of the methods used to resolve WSD is the Lesk algorithm. The performance of this algorithm is connected with the similarity relatedness between all words in the text, i.e the success rate of WSD should increase as the similarity measure’s performance gets better. This paper presents a comparison of several similarity measures applied to WSD using the original Lesk Algorithm.
Observaciones This work was done under support of Mexican Government trough CONACyT (Project Number: 50206-H) and SIP-IPN (Project Number: 20091587), as well as SNI to the second author.
Lugar Distrito Federal
País Mexico
No. de páginas 155-166
Vol. / Cap. 43
Inicio 2009-01-01