Ledeneva Yulia Nikolaevna
Gelbukh Alexander
Título Keeping Maximal Frequent Sequences Facilitates Extractive Summarization
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción Research in Computing Science
Resumen Automatic text summarization helps us to save time looking for information and reading quickly big volumes of documents. The main objective of this paper is to produce a text summary extracting the parts of text which conform the summary of a document. Generally, words, n-grams, phrases or sentences are selected from the original text to make the summary. In this work, we propose to extract maximal frequent sequences of the words for generate the summaries. Maximal frequent sequences can be extracted independently of the language and have the advantage of not defining previously the length of the part to be extracted. The proposed method, the experiments and some results are presented.
Observaciones Received 27/03/08 Accepted 26/04/08 Final version 04/05/08
Lugar Distrito Federal
País Mexico
No. de páginas 163-174
Vol. / Cap. 34
Inicio 2009-01-01