Sidorov Grigori
Castillo Velásquez Francisco Antonio
Gelbukh Alexander
Chanona Hernández Liliana
Título Syntactic dependency-based n-grams: More evidence of usefulness in classification
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2013
Resumen The paper introduces and discusses a concept of syntactic n-grams (sn-grams) that can be applied instead of traditional n-grams in many NLP tasks. Sn-grams are constructed by following paths in syntactic trees, so sn-grams allow bringing syntactic knowledge into machine learning methods. Still, previous parsing is necessary for their construction. We applied sn-grams in the task of authorship attribution for corpora of three and seven authors with very promising results.
Observaciones (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Code 96203
Lugar Samos
País Grecia
No. de páginas 13-24
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 7816, Issue 1
Inicio 2013-03-24
Fin 2013-03-30
ISBN/ISSN 978-364237246-9