Gelbukh Alexander
Título Automatic answer validation system on english language
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción IEEE Xplorer Digital Library; 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2010
Resumen We present an Answer Validation System (AV) based on Textual Entailment and Question Answering. The important features used to develop the AV system are Named Entity Recognition, Textual Entailment, Question-Answer type Analysis and Chunk Boundary and Dependency relations. Separate AV modules have been developed for each of these features. We first combine the question and the answer into Hypothesis (H) and the Supporting Text as Text (T) to check the entailment relation as either "VALIDA TED" or "REJECTED". The important lexical features used for the Textual Entailment Module in the present system are: WordNet based unigram match, bigram match and skip-gram. The results obtained from the four answer validation modules are integrated using a voting technique. Evaluation scores obtained on the AVE 2008 test set show 67% precision for "VALIDATED" decisions. © 2010 IEEE.
Observaciones Category numberCFP1052F-PRT; Code 82180; Article number 5579166
Lugar Chengdu
País China
No. de páginas 329-333
Vol. / Cap. 6
Inicio 2010-08-20
Fin 2010-08-22
ISBN/ISSN 978-142446540-8