Sandoval Reyes Sergio
Galicia Galicia Pedro
Gutiérrez Sánchez Ángel Iván
Título Visual Learning Environments for Computer Programming
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference
Resumen Almost from the start of computing as an academic discipline, educators have noted that teaching students how to program computers has never been easy. This paper describes four systems Scratch, Alice, Green foot and App inventor as tools to teach programming concepts to students of different ages with no previous computing experience, through creating applications that connect with their interests. This approach encourages self learning, experimentation and sharing, circumventing at the same time, the constraints of traditional programming languages.
Observaciones 2011 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2011; Category numberP4563; Code 88246
Lugar Cuernavaca, Morelos
País Mexico
No. de páginas 439-444
Vol. / Cap. Article number 6125870
Inicio 2011-11-15
Fin 2011-11-18
ISBN/ISSN 978-076954563-9