Gelbukh Alexander
Título On-line and off-line chinese-portuguese translation service for mobile applications
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo CONACYT
Descripción Computacion y Sistemas
Resumen We describe a Chinese-Portuguese translation service, which is integrated in an Android application. The application is also enhanced with technologies such as Automatic Speech Recognition, Optical Character Recognition, Image Retrieval, and Language Detection. This mobile translation application, which is deployed on a portable device, relies by default on a server-based machine translation service, which is not accessible when no Internet connection is available. For providing translation support under this condition, we have developed a contextualized off-line search engine that allows the users to continue using the application. The system includes a search engine that is used to support our Chinese-Portuguese machine translation services when no Internet connection is available.
Lugar Distrito Federal
País Mexico
No. de páginas 603-610
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 18, Issue 3
Inicio 2014-07-01