Gelbukh Alexander
Título Dependency-based semantic parsing for concept-level text analysis
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, CICLing 2014
Resumen Concept-level text analysis is superior to word-level analysis as it preserves the semantics associated with multi-word expressions. It offers a better understanding of text and helps to significantly increase the accuracy of many text mining tasks. Concept extraction from text is a key step in concept-level text analysis. In this paper, we propose a ConceptNet-based semantic parser that deconstructs natural language text into concepts based on the dependency relation between clauses. Our approach is domain-independent and is able to extract concepts from heterogeneous text. Through this parsing technique, 92.21% accuracy was obtained on a dataset of 3,204 concepts. We also show experimental results on three different text analysis tasks, on which the proposed framework outperformed state-of-the-art parsing techniques.
Observaciones (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Lugar Kathmandu
País Nepal
No. de páginas 113-127
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 8403 LNCS, Issue PART 1
Inicio 2014-01-01