Zhila Alisa
Gelbukh Alexander
Título Comparison of open Information Extraction for English and Spanish
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 19th Annual International Conference Dialog 2013
Resumen Open Information Extraction (IE) is the task of extracting relational tuples representing facts from text, with no prior specification of relation, no prespecified vocabulary, or a manually tagged training corpus. Part-of-speech based systems are shown to be competitive with parsing-based systems on this task and work faster for large-scale corpora. Nevertheless, implementation of such a system requires language-specific information. So far, all work has been done for English. We present a relation extraction algorithm for Open IE in Spanish, based on POS-tagged input and semantic constraints. We provide a description of its implementation in an Open IE system for Spanish ExtrHech. We compare its performance with Open IE systems for English, including a comparison on a parallel English-Spanish dataset, and show that the performance is comparable with the stateof- the-art systems, while the system is more robust to noisy input. We give a comparative analysis of errors in extractions for both languages.
Observaciones Drive: Comparison-of-open-2013
Lugar Bekasovo
País Rusia
No. de páginas 714–722
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2013-05-20