Yáñez Márquez Cornelio
López Yáñez Itzamá
Camacho Nieto Oscar
Uriarte Arcia Abril Valeria
Título Data Stream Classification Based on the Gamma Classifier
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Resumen The ever increasing data generation confronts us with the problem of handling online massive amounts of information. One of the biggest challenges is how to extract valuable information from these massive continuous data streams during single scanning. In a data stream context, data arrive continuously at high speed; therefore the algorithms developed to address this context must be efficient regarding memory and time management and capable of detecting changes over time in the underlying distribution that generated the data. This work describes a novel method for the task of pattern classification over a continuous data stream based on an associative model. The proposed method is based on the Gamma classifier, which is inspired by the Alpha-Beta associative memories, which are both supervised pattern recognition models. The proposed method is capable of handling the space and time constrain inherent to data stream scenarios. The Data Streaming Gamma classifier (DS-Gamma classifier) implements a sliding window approach to provide concept drift detection and a forgetting mechanism. In order to test the classifier, several experiments were performed using different data stream scenarios with real and synthetic data streams. The experimental results show that the method exhibits competitive performance when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms.
Observaciones doi:10.1155/2015/939175 ** Drive: Data-stream_2015
País Estados Unidos
No. de páginas 17
Vol. / Cap. Volume 2015 Article 939175
Inicio 2015-07-29