Cruz Cortés Nareli
Rivera Zamarripa Luis Alberto
Título Analysis and Visualization of a Many Objective Optimization Landscape Design Problem
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Interdisciplinary Topics in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science
Resumen A general methodology to analyze the solution of a many-objective optimization problem (MOOP) to landscape design is presented. The landscape design problem consists on assigning different types of land use to specific areas identified as candidate sites to be changed. Some local and global ecological criteria are considered. In order to gain some clarity during the analysis of the solutions that conform to an optimal set some clustering strategies are usually utilized. In this chapter, we use a simple strategy called favour ranking to place similar solutions together. Then, the solutions are visualized using a state-of-the-art technique.
Observaciones DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12307-3_54
Lugar Waterloo
País Canada
No. de páginas 375-380
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 117
Inicio 2015-02-01