Galván Colmenares Sergio
Moreno Armendáriz Marco Antonio
Pérez Olvera César Aarón
Ortiz Rodríguez Floriberto
Título Modeling and Nonlinear PD regulation for Ball and Plate System
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 2012 World Automation Congress
Resumen This work discusses the regulation of the ball and plate system, the problemis to design a control laws which generates a voltage u for the servomotors to move the ball from the actual position to a desired one. The controllers are constructed by introducing nonlinear compensation terms into the traditional PD controller. In this paper, a complete physical system and controller design is explored from conception to modeling to testing and implementation. The stability of the control is presented. Experiment results are obtained via our prototype of the ball and plate system.
Observaciones Drive: Modeling-an-nonlinear_2012
Lugar Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
País Mexico
No. de páginas 1-6
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2012-06-24
ISBN/ISSN 978-1-4673-4497-5