Luna García Rene
Título Search for long-lived particles decaying into electron or photon pairs with the D0 detector
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Physical review letters
Resumen In this Letter we report on a search for long-lived particles that decay into final states with two electrons or photons. Such long-lived particles arise in a variety of theoretical models, such as hidden valleys and supersymmetry with gauge-mediated breaking. By precisely reconstructing the direction of the electromagnetic shower we are able to probe much longer lifetimes than previously explored. We see no evidence of the existence of such long-lived particles and interpret this search as a quasi model-independent limit on their production cross section, as well as a limit on a long-lived fourth generation quark.
Observaciones DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.111802
País Estados Unidos
No. de páginas 1-7
Vol. / Cap. Vol 101, Issue 11
Inicio 2008-09-12