Sidorov Grigori
Batyrshin Ildar
Gómez Adorno Helena Montserrat
Título Algorithm for Extraction of Subtrees of a Sentence Dependency Parse Tree
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Resumen In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for obtaining the subtrees (continuous and non-continuous syntactic n-grams) from a dependency parse tree of a sentence. Our algorithm traverses the dependency tree of the sentences within a text document and extracts all its subtrees (syntactic n-grams). Syntactic n-grams are being successfully used in the literature (by ourselves and other authors) as features to characterize text documents using machine learning approach in the field of Natural Language Processing
Observaciones DOI 10.12 700/APH.14.3.2017.3.5
Lugar Budapest
País Hungria
No. de páginas 79-98
Vol. / Cap. v. 14 no. 3
Inicio 2017-09-09