Título |
The Winning Approach to Cross-Genre Gender Identification in Russian at RUSProfiling 2017 |
Tipo |
Congreso |
Sub-tipo |
Memoria |
Descripción |
2017 Working Notes of Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, FIRE 2017 |
Resumen |
WepresenttheCICsystemssubmittedtothe2017PANsharedtask on Cross-Genre Gender Identification in Russian texts (RUSProfiling). We submitted five systems. One of them was based on a statisticalapproachusingonlylexicalfeatures,andotherfouron machine-learningtechniquesusingsomecombinationsofgenderspecificRussiangrammaticalfeatures,wordandcharactern-grams, and suffix n-grams. Our systems achieved the highest weighted accuracyacrossallthetestdatasets,occupyingthefirstfourplaces intheranking.
Observaciones |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, v. 2036 |
Lugar |
Bangalore |
País |
India |
No. de páginas |
20-24 |
Vol. / Cap. |
Inicio |
2017-12-08 |
Fin |
2017-12-10 |