Beltrán García Pamela
Aguirre Anaya Eleazar
Escamilla Ambrosio Ponciano Jorge
Acosta Bermejo Raúl
Título IoT Botnets
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 8th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2019
Resumen This paper presents a comprehensive state-of-art review that discusses the IoT botnet behaviour, including topology and communication between botmaster and bots, thus is possible to make a comparison of IoT botnets, based on their topology, type of attack, target, kind of propagation and operation. In several investigations, it is explained that a significant problem is an increase in the development of IoT botnets, such as attacks like DDoS. To this aim, understanding the behaviour of the IoT botnets could be helpful to prevent them.
Observaciones DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-33229-7_21
Lugar Mérida, Yucatán
País Mexico
No. de páginas 247-257
Vol. / Cap. Communications in Computer and Information Sc
Inicio 2019-11-04
Fin 2019-11-08