Pérez Álvarez Daniel Alejandro
Maldonado Sifuentes Christian Efraín
Sidorov Grigori
Batyrshin Ildar
Gelbukh Alexander
Título Authorship attribution through punctuation n-grams and averaged combination of SVM notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 20th Working Notes of CLEF Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2019
Resumen This work explores the exploitation of pre-processing, feature extraction and the averaged combination of Support Vector Machines (SVM) outputs for the open-set Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution task. The use of punctuation n-grams as a feature representation of a document is introduced for the Authorship Attribution in combination with traditional character n-grams. Starting from different feature representations of a document, several SVM are trained to represent the probability of membership for a certain author to latter obtain an average of all the SVM results. This approach managed to obtain 0.642 with the Macro F1-score for the PAN 2019 contest of open-set Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution.
Lugar Lunago
País Suiza
No. de páginas
Vol. / Cap. v. 2380
Inicio 2019-09-06
Fin 2019-09-12