Beltrán García Pamela
Escamilla Ambrosio Ponciano Jorge
Aguirre Anaya Eleazar
Rodríguez Mota Abraham
Título Availability vulnerabilities evaluation to lorawan
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción 9th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2020
Resumen LoRaWAN as one of the newest protocols in the Internet of Things ecosystem represents a whole new area in cybersecurity research. In this protocol, security is focused on data integrity and confidentiality and most the research that analyse its security only examined the availability property of the protocol from the performance or join-procedure perspective. In this paper we aim to provide evidence supporting a major interest in the availability property. Therefore we describe five identified vulnerabilities that have not been thoroughly analysed in the literature together with exemplification of how to exploit them to perform cyberattacks, specifically for bidirectional communication. We also make the case for IoT gateway as a main target for the Committing Uplink/Downlink Communication, Theft the Gateway for Packet Monitoring, Data Loss, Delay in Data Reception and Battery Consumption attacks. We also provide details of the experiments and discussion of the obtained data. Finally, we include a discussion of some mitigations activities for such vulnerabilities.
Observaciones Communications in Computer and Information Science, v. 1280 DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-62554-2_25
Lugar Puerto Vallarta
País Mexico
No. de páginas 333-351
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2020-11-02
Fin 2020-11-06
ISBN/ISSN 9783030625535