Yáñez Márquez Cornelio
Título Selecting an Optimization Algorithm for the Administration of Human Resources Process in the Production Line of a Textile Enterprise
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Research in Computing Science
Resumen In this paper, we use Particle Swarm Optimization, with the aim of facilitating and optimizing the Human Resources administration process along the lines of production for the “Confecciones Trébol” textile enterprise of Ciego de Ávila city, Cuba, making use of historical data and metaheuristic algorithms. The evident need to optimize the process of allocation of Human Resources in the Production Line of “Confecciones Trébol”, led us to analyze the different aspects of the problem, and to use a bio-inspired algorithm to solve it. The validity of the mathematical models of optimization in the solution of a practical problem was determined; contributing to the efficient use of material re-sources. The implementation of a bio-inspired algorithm (PSO) is effectively achieved by complying with the constraints of the defined mathematical model, with which it is possible to obtain feasible solutions to reduce the production time of a textile product.
Lugar Ciudad de México
País Mexico
No. de páginas 97-106
Vol. / Cap. v. 147 no. 12
Inicio 2018-08-28