Espinosa González Daniel Yacob
Sidorov Grigori
Título Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders using characters and words N-grams
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 2021 Working Notes of CLEF - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF-WN 2021
Resumen With the increase interactions in social networks, it is important to take care of the health of information and relationships between the users.One of the big problems today are hate speech within them, this type of comments as well as the users who share them can be very dangerous for the integrity of society. In this occasion we show a solution based on N-grams of characters and words for the task of "Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter", as classifier we use SVM Support Vector Machines (libSVM) for English and Spanish corpus.
Observaciones CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Lugar Virtual, online
País Rumania
No. de páginas 1931-1936
Vol. / Cap. v. 2936
Inicio 2021-09-21
Fin 2021-09-24