Huerta Velasco Daniel Abraham
Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título Using lexical resources for detecting offensiveness in mexican spanish tweets
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 2021 Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum, IberLEF 2021
Resumen This work presents a description of our participation in sub- tasks 3 and 4 at MeOffendEs@IberLEF 2021 which consisted in classifying tweets as offensive or non-offensive in the OffendMEX corpus. For both subtasks, we proposed to use several Spanish lexicons which have a collection of words that have been weighted according to different criteria like affective, dimensional, and emotional values. In addition to them, structural values, word-embeddings and one-hot codification were taken into account. The scores of recall metric obtained in both subtasks was competitive comparing to both the baseline of the competition’s and the other teams’.
Observaciones CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Lugar Virtual, online
País España
No. de páginas 240-250
Vol. / Cap. v. 2943
Inicio 2021-09-21