Resumen |
In the medical area, the detection of invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common sub-type of all breast cancers; about 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas. Detection of this type of cancer shows a great challenge for specialist doctors since the digital images of the sample must be analyzed by sections because the spatial dimensions of this kind of image are above 50k × 50k pixels; doing this operation manually takes long time to determine if the patient suffers this type of cancer. Time is essential for the patient because this cancer can invade quickly other parts of the body. Its name reaffirms this characteristic, with the term "invasive"forming part of its name. With the purpose of solving this task, we propose an automatic methodology consisting in improving the performance of a convolutional neural network that classifies images containing invasive ductal carcinoma cells by highlighting cancer cells using several preprocessing methods such as histogram stretching and contrast enhancement. In this way, characteristics of the sub-images are extracted from the panoramic sample and it is possible to learn to classify them in a better way. © 2022 - IOS Press. All rights reserved. |