Gallegos García Gina
Título Photonic encryption by optical activity in Kerr-like carbon-based nanofluids with plasmonic nanoparticles
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Journal of Molecular Liquids
Resumen Herein is presented an all-optical XOR logic gate assisted by laser-induced polarization rotation of optical waves. Optical activity and third-order optical nonlinearities were explored in silver nanoparticles functionalized carbon nanotubes in an ethanol suspension. The dynamic of the hybrid nanostructures in the fluid was analyzed as a probabilistic profile in concentration function. The stability and evolution of the nanofluids were evaluated to define the variables employed to implement a probabilistic quantum system. Fractional diffusion effects were analyzed in order to describe the nanofluids dynamics. An XOR logical operation was designed by opposite angular rotation of polarization of optical signals in a standard two-wave mixing experiment. This work highlights the use of hybrid nanomaterials for developing optical and quantum encryption applications simultaneously assisted by optical activity and nonlinear optics. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.
Observaciones DOI 10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120424
Lugar Amsterdam
País Paises Bajos
No. de páginas Article number 120424
Vol. / Cap. v. 367
Inicio 2022-12-01