Título |
OrieBot: chatbot para orientación vocacional |
Tipo |
Congreso |
Sub-tipo |
Memoria |
Descripción |
Decima Tercera Conferencia Iberoamericana de Complejidad, Informatica y Cibernetica, CICIC 2023 en el contexto de the 14th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics, I |
Resumen |
Personality traits can be associated with vocational profiles. An artificial intelligence tool that can extract these traits can determine the vocational profile of high school students. This paper presents a prototype of a chatbot for vocational guidance through personality analysis, based on machine learning and natural language processing techniques. This chatbot has been implemented on the Facebook Messenger platform, using an architecture that utilizes IBM Watson Personality Insights as a module for personality analysis through text and in-memory database services for quick conversation collection. The tool was tested with high school students, and satisfactory results were obtained. © 2023 IMCIC.All Rights Reserved. |
Observaciones |
DOI 10.54808/CICIC2023.01.154 |
Lugar |
Virtual, online |
País |
Indefinido |
No. de páginas |
154-158 |
Vol. / Cap. |
Inicio |
2023-03-28 |
Fin |
2023-03-31 |
9781950492695 |