Ameer Iqra
Sidorov Grigori
Título Job Offers Classifier Using Neural Networks and Oversampling Methods
Tipo Libro
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Recent Developments and the New Directions of Research, Foundations, and Applications 
Resumen Both policy and research benefit from a better understanding of individuals’ jobs. However, as large-scale administrative records are increasingly employed to represent labor market activity, new automatic methods to classify jobs will become necessary. We developed an automatic job offers classifier using a dataset collected from the largest job bank of Mexico known as Bumeran. We applied machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, Naive-Bayes, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and deep learning Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM). Using these algorithms, we trained multi-class models to classify job offers in one of the 23 classes (not uniformly distributed): Sales, Administration, Call Center, Technology, Trades, Human Resources, Logistics, Marketing, Health, Gastronomy, Financing, Secretary, Production, Engineering, Education, Design, Legal, Construction, Insurance, Communication, Management, Foreign Trade, and Mining. We used the SMOTE, Geometric-SMOTE, and ADASYN synthetic oversampling algorithms to handle imbalanced classes. The proposed convolutional neural network architecture achieved the best results when applied the Geometric-SMOTE algorithm. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Observaciones DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-20153-0_18
Lugar Cham
País Suiza
No. de páginas 235-248
Vol. / Cap. STUDFUZZ, v. 422
Inicio 2023-06-15
ISBN/ISSN 9783031201523