Dong ShiHai
Título Probability measures of fermions on branes
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción European Physical Journal C
Resumen In our research, we explore the impact of a geometric non-minimal coupling between fermions and curvature scalars on the positioning of fermions within a brane structure. Our investigation encompasses massless fermionic modes and massive modes, revealing that specifically fermionic modes with left chirality are situated within the brane. This insight allows us to gain a more direct understanding of how the system’s geometry influences the placement of fermion fields on the brane. To delve deeper into the precise localization of massless fermionic modes, we employ entropic information measurements. By varying the parameters that govern the curvature scalars, we observe the ability to adjust the localization of these fermionic modes on the brane. Importantly, the BBM uncertainty relation remains satisfied in all scenarios, particularly for f1 , 2 , 3 . We leverage the Shannon entropy as a highly effective metric to yield accurate results regarding the positioning of massless fermionic modes within our model. In the case of massive fermionic modes, we utilize relative probability analysis to pinpoint the resonant modes, and we identify the existence of these resonant modes in both f1 , 2 , 3 cases. Ultimately, we ascertain that these parameters influence the placement of resonant modes by increasing the amplitude of the massive modes in the core of the brane. © 2023, The Author(s).
Observaciones DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12224-0
Lugar New York
País Estados Unidos
No. de páginas Article number 1064
Vol. / Cap. v. 83 no. 11
Inicio 2023-11-01