Bade Girma Yohannis
Kolesnikova Olga
Sidorov Grigori
Oropeza Rodríguez José Luis
Título Social Media Fake News Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 4th Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages, DravidianLangTech 2024
Resumen The rise of social media has facilitated easier communication, information sharing, and current affairs updates. However, the prevalence of misleading and deceptive content, commonly referred to as fake news, poses a significant challenge. This paper focuses on the classification of fake news in Malayalam, a Dravidian language, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) techniques. To develop a model, we employed a random forest machine learning method on a dataset provided by a shared task(DravidianLangTech@EACL 2024)1. When evaluated by the separate test dataset, our developed model achieved a 0.71 macro F1 measure. © 2024 Association for Computational Linguistics.
Lugar St. Julians
País Malta
No. de páginas 24-29
Vol. / Cap.
Fin 2024-03-22
ISBN/ISSN 9798891760783