Tutorias del Profesor Gelbukh Alexander

1 “Deep-Learning Methods for Mining Social Media”
2 Latent Memory-Based Neural Models for Sentiment Analysis of Multimodal Multi-Party Conversations
3 Resolución de correferencia con aprendizaje profundo
4 Data Mining in the Medical Field through Negation Scope Detection and Named Entity Recognition
5 Multilingual Language Generation from Wikipedia´s Structured Data
6 Context-Based Abusive Language Detection
7 "General- Purpose World and Lexical Knowledge- Aware Word Embedding"
8 Al in Healthcare Analytics: Using Deep Learning Approach to Predict the Source of Healthcare Information
9 "Hope Speech Detection from Social Media Texts"
10 “Automatic Personality Behavior Detection in Texts Using Deep Learning ”
11 Neural Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages
12 "Computational Modeling of Lexical Semantics"
13 Atribución de composiciones musicales con técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural