Publicaciones del autor

Alexander Gelbukh

Titulo Descripción Año
A bilingual corpus of novels aligned at paragraph level Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2005
A domain independent natural language interface to databases capable of processing complex queries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2004
A system of search, classification, and thematic summarization of documents with the use of a hierarchical thesaurus (in russian) Acta Academia 1999
Alignment of paragraphs in bilingual texts using bilingual dictionaries and dynamic programming Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Analisis morfologico automatico en español a traves de generacion Escritos (PADRON DE CONACYT) 2003
Approach to construction of automatic morphological analysis systems for inflective languages with little effort Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2002
Automatic Enrichment of Very Large Dictionary of Word Combinations on the Basis of Dependency Formalism Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004
Automatic evaluation of quality of an explanatory dictionary by comparison of word senses Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2002
Automatic resolution of ambiguity of word senses in explanatory dictionaries (in russian) Nauchnotechnicheskaya Informaciya 2003
Automatic selection of defining vocabulary in an explanatory dictionary Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2001
Automatic syntactic analysis for detection of word combinations Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003
Compilation of a spanish representative corpus Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2001
Document indexing with a concept hierarchy Computación y Sistemas 2005
Environment for development of a natural language syntactic analyzer (in russian) Acta Academia 2001
Hacia la verificacion de diccionarios explicativos asistida por computadora Estudios de Lingüística aplicada, UNAM, 2003
Heaps law coefficients for russian and english languages (in russian) Acta Academia 2000
Morphological analysis of inflective languages through generation Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 2001
On similarity of word senses in explanatory dictionaries International Journal of Translation 2002
On some optimization heuristics for lesk-like wsd algorithms Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2004
Paragraph-level alignment of an english-spanish parallel corpus of fiction texts using bilingual dictionaries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2005

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