Publicaciones del autor

Alexander Gelbukh

Titulo Descripción Año
Recognizing Textual Entailment by Soft Dependency Tree Matching Computación y Sistemas 2015
Wikipedia-based Learning Path Generation Computación y Sistemas 2015
Implicit Aspect Indicator Extraction for Aspect-based Opinion Mining International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications 2014
Conceptual Graphs as Framework for Summarizing Short Texts International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications 2014
Recomendación de productos a partir de perfiles de usuario interpretables Tecnología y Cultura Afirmando el Conocimiento 2015
Automatic Authorship Detection using Textual Patterns Extracted from Integrated Syntactic Graphs Sensors 2016
Mathematical properties of soft cardinality: Enhancing Jaccard, Dice and cosine similarity measures with element-wise distance Information Sciences 2016
Aspect extraction for opinion mining with a deep convolutional neural network Knowledge-Based Systems 2016
Sentiment Data Flow Analysis by Means of Dynamic Linguistic Patterns IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 2015
Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis with Dependency-Based Semantic Parsing: A Novel Approach. Cognitive Computation 2015
Analysis of Negation Cues for Semantic Orientation Classification of Reviews in Spanish Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2015
Measuring Non-compositionality of Verb-Noun Collocations using Lexical Functions and WordNet Hypernyms Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2015
Adaptive Algorithm for Plagiarism Detection: The Best-Performing Approach at PAN 2014 Text Alignment Competition Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2015
Is the Most Frequent Sense of a Word Better Connected in a Semantic Network? Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
A New Disagreement Measure for Characterization of Classification Problems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Mining Parallel Resources for Machine Translation from Comparable Corpora Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Modelling Public Sentiment in Twitter: Using Linguistic Patterns to Enhance Supervised Learning Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Is the Most Frequent Sense of a Word Better Connected in a Semantic Network? ICIC, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 2015
Cross-domain deception detection using support vector networks Soft Computing 2017
Sentiment Analysis Is a Big Suitcase IEEE Intelligent Systems 2020

Página 4 de 10, Viendo 20 registros de 188 en total, Registro inicial 61, registro final 80.