Publicaciones del autor

Alexander Gelbukh

Titulo Descripción Año
Corpus virtual virtual: un diccionario grande de contextos de palabras españolas compilado a través de internet Workshop "Multilingual information access and natural language processing" of IBERAMIA 2002 2001
Demonstrative pronouns as markers of indirect anaphora. International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tokyo, Japan 1998
Dictionaries in tasks of automatic processing of pairs of translated texts International Conference Dialogue-2006 on computational linguistics and its applications 2005
Dictionaries of word combinations: which method of compilation is better? International Conference Dialogue-2004 on computational linguistics and its applications 2003
Dictionary-based method for coherence maintenance in man-machine dialogue with indirect antecedents and ellipses Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Third International Workshop, TSD 2000 2000
Division of Spanish Words into Morphemes with a Genetic Algorithm Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2008
Document classification with a weighted topic hierarchy International Workshop on Document Analysis and Understanding for Document Databases, Florence 1998
Dynamic programming with lexical similarity calculation in alignment of parallel texts and its evaluation International Conference Dialogue-2007 on computational linguistics and its applications 2006
Exploring large document collections with a dynamic hierarchy Third International Conference on Information, Tokyo, Japan 2003
Genetic algorithm for automatic division of words into morphemes. International Conference Dialogue-2008 on computational linguistics and its applications 2007
Is word sense disambiguation useful in information retrieval? Int. Conf. on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, e-Medicine, and Mob 2002
La resolución de correferencia con un diccionario de escenarios. CIC 1999, Congreso Internacional en Computación 1998
Lexical-Based Alignment for Reconstruction of Structure in Parallel Texts Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 12th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems 2007
On automatic morphological analysis of inflective languages International Conference on computational linguistics and its applications Dialogue-2005, Russia 2004
On indirect anaphora resolution PACLING-99, Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo 1998
On subject-predicate agreement in spanish International conference CIC Ling2000, Mexico 1999
Prepositions and Conjunctions in a Natural Language Interfaces to Databases Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications 2007
Representividad morfológica en los corpus VIII encuentro internacional de lingüística en el noroeste 2003
Role of lexical meaning in resolution of hidden anaphora for demonstrative pronouns 7st International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, Hungary 1999
Sistema inteligente de recuperación de textos políticos de la base de datos documental del senado de la república mexicana CIC 2000, Congreso Internacional en Computación 1999

Página 2 de 13, Viendo 20 registros de 260 en total, Registro inicial 21, registro final 40.