Titulo |
Descripción |
Año |
Assessing Context for Age-Related Spanish Temporal Phrases |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2009 |
Generalized Mongue-Elkan Method for Approximate Text String Comparison |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2009 |
Elitistic Evolution: An Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2009 |
Supervised Recognition of Age-Related Spanish Temporal Phrases |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. |
2009 |
Various Criteria of Collocation Cohesion in Internet: Comparison of Resolving Power |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2008 |
Text Summarization by Sentence Extraction Using Unsupervised Learning |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2008 |
Empirical Study of Machine Learning Based Approach for Opinion Mining in Tweets |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012 |
2012 |
Syntactic Dependency-Based N-grams as Classification Features |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012 |
2012 |
Hybrid Algorithm for Word-Level Alignment of Parallel Texts |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2009 |
SMSFR: SMS-based FAQ retrieval system |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012 |
2012 |
Recognizing textual entailment in non-English text via automatic translation into English |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012 |
2012 |
Fuzzy clustering for semi-supervised learning - Case study: Construction of an emotion lexicon |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012 |
2012 |
Syntactic dependency-based n-grams: More evidence of usefulness in classification |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2013 |
2013 |
Link analysis for representing and retrieving legal information |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2013 |
2013 |
Age-Related Temporal Phrases in Spanish and Italian |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2012 |
Summarizing Conceptual Graphs for Automatic Summarization Task |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2013 |
Dependency Parser based textual entailment system |
IEEE Xplore Digital Library; 2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, AICI 2010 |
2010 |
Automatic answer validation system on english language |
IEEE Xplorer Digital Library; 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2010 |
2010 |
Textual entailment and Anaphora resolution |
IEEE Xplore Digital Library; 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2010 |
2010 |
Music genre classification: A semi-supervised approach |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 5th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR 2013 |
2013 |
Página 5 de 13, Viendo 20 registros de 260 en total, Registro inicial 81, registro final 100.