Publicaciones del autor

Francisco Hiram Calvo Castro

Titulo Descripción Año
NLP for Shallow Question Answering of Legal Documents Using Graphs Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2009
Dependency Language Modeling Using KNN and PLSI Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2009
Learning Co-relations of Plausible Verb Arguments with a WSM and a Distributional Thesaurus Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2009
Interpolated PLSI for Learning Plausible Verb Arguments 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 2009
Using Graphs for Shallow Question Answering on Legal Documents Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2008
Automatic polyphonic music composition using the emile and abl grammar inductors Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2008
Augmenting Word Space Models for Word Sense Discrimination Using an Automatic Thesaurus Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2008
Improving Unsupervised WSD with a Dynamic Thesaurus Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2008
On the usage of morphological tags for grammar induction Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2006
Recognizing situation patterns from self-contained stories Advances in Natural Language Understanding and Intelligent Access to Textual Information 2005
Desambiguación de sentidos de palabras usando relaciones sintácticas como contexto local Advances in Natural Language Understanding and Intelligent Access to Textual Information 2005
Dependency triples vs. trigrams for pp disambiguation Avances en la Ciencia de la computación MICAI 2006 2005
Desambiguación de sentidos de palabras usando relaciones sintácticas como contexto local Tutorials and Workshops Proceedings of Fourth Mexican International Conference on Artificial 2004
Recognizing situation patterns from self-contained stories Tutorials and Workshops Proceedings of Fourth Mexican International Conference on Artificial 2004
Maintaining inter-sentential continuity of semantic indices with a knowledge base IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering 2002
Action-request dialogue understanding system XI Congreso Internacional de Computación, CIC-IPN, NOVIEMBRE DE 2002 2001
Dependency Syntax Analysis Using Grammar Induction and a Lexical Categories Precedence System Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2011
Co-related Verb Argument Selectional Preferences Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2011
Music Composition Based on Linguistic Approach Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010
Link analysis for representing and retrieving legal information Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2013 2013

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