Publicaciones del autor

Cornelio Yáñez Márquez

Titulo Descripción Año
Computing geometric moments using morphological erosions Pattern Recognition 2001
Efficient pattern recalling using parallel alpha-beta associative memories Research in Computing Science 2008
Alpha-Beta Bidirectional Associative Memories (Memorias Asociativas Bidireccionales alfa-beta) International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 2007
Bijective function with domain in n and image in the set of permutations: an application to cryptography International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2006
Alpha-beta bidirectional associative memories: theory and applications Neural Processing Letters 2006
A New Model of BAM: Alpha-Beta Bidirectional Associative Memories Journal of Computers 2007
Alpha-beta associative memories for gray level patterns Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Image compression algorithm based on morphological associative memories Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Complexity of alpha-beta bidirectional associative memories Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Alpha–Beta Bidirectional Associative Memories Computación y Sistemas 2006
Low cost multi-channel data acquisition system with graphical hmi Research in Computing Science 2006
Optimized implementation of a pattern classifier using feature set reduction Research in Computing Science 2006
A fuzzy logic model for software development effort estimation at personal level Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Egomotion estimation as an appearance-based classification problem Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
A Novel Approach to Automatic Color Matching Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11th Iberoamerican Congress in Pattern Recognition 2006
Alpha-beta bidirectional associative memories based translator International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2005
Neural network and trend prediction for technological process monitoring Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2004
Minkowski's metrics-based k-nn classifier algorithm: a comparative study Research on Computing Science 2005
Lernmatrix de steinbuch: avances teoricos Computación y Sistemas 2004
Thinning algorithm to generate k-connected skeletons Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003

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