Publicaciones del autor

Cornelio Yáñez Márquez

Titulo Descripción Año
Proportional derivative fuzzy control supplied with second order sliding mode differentiation Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2014
Emerging computational tools: Impact on engineering education and computer science learning International Journal of Engineering Education 2014
One-hot vector hybrid associative classifier for medical data classification PLoS One 2014
A novel associative model for time series data mining Pattern Recognition Letters 2014
Morphological associative memories for gray-scale image encryption Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 2014
Equilibrating the recognition of the minority class in the imbalance context Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 2014
Evolutionary Approach to Feature Selection with Associative Models Research in Computing Science 2014
Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting using Associative Models Research in Computing Science 2014
Data Stream Classification Based on the Gamma Classifier Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015
An emerging – Social and emerging computing enabled philosophical paradigm for collaborative learning systems: Toward high effective next generation learning systems for the knowledge society Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier 2015
Evolutive Improvement of Parameters in an Associative Classifier IEEE Latin America Transactions 2015
The Social Media in Academia and Education Research R-evolutions and a Paradox: Advanced Next Generation Social Learning Innovation Journal of Universal Computer Science 2014
Clasificador de Heaviside NovaScientia 2015
Exact solutions to solitonic profile mass Schrödinger problem with a modified Pöschl–Teller potential Modern Physics Letters A 2016
Metaheuristic optimization of multivariate adaptive regression splines for predicting the schedule of software projects Neural Computing and Applications 2016
Attributes and Cases Selection for Social Data Classification IEEE Latin America Transactions 2015
Enhancing Engineering Education through Link Prediction in Social Networks International Journal of Engineering Education 2016
The Naïve Associative Classifier (NAC): A novel, simple, transparent, and accurate classification model evaluated on financial data Neurocomputing 2017
Pattern classification using smallest normalized difference associative memory Pattern Recognition Letters 2017
Electoral Preferences Prediction of the YouGov Social Network Users Based on Computational Intelligence Algorithms Journal of Universal Computer Science 2017

Página 4 de 8, Viendo 20 registros de 145 en total, Registro inicial 61, registro final 80.