Publicaciones del autor

Cornelio Yáñez Márquez

Titulo Descripción Año
Instance-Based Ontology Matching For Open and Distance Learning Materials International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 2017
Simultaneous instance and feature selection for improving prediction in special education data Program - Electronic Library and Information Systems 2017
Analytical traveling-wave solutions to a generalized Gross–Pitaevskii equation with some new time and space varying nonlinearity coefficients and external fields Physics Letters A 2017
Instance-based ontology matching for e-learning material using an associative pattern classifier Computers in Human Behavior 2017
Theoretical foundations for the Alpha-Beta Associative Memories: 10 Years of Derived Extensions, Models, and Applications. Neural Processing Letters 2017
A machine learning approach to medical image classification: Detecting age-related macular degeneration in fundus images Computers & Electrical Engineering 2019
Medical diagnosis of chronic diseases based on novel Computational Intelligence algorithm Journal of Universal Computer Science 2018
Detection of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Fundus Images by an Associative Classifier IEEE Latin America Transactions 2018
Improving the performance of an associative classifier by Gamma Rough Sets based instance selection International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2018
Support Vector Regression for Predicting Software Enhancement Effort Information and Software Technology 2018
A non-invasive glucose level estimation in a multi-sensing health care monitoring system Technology and Health Care 2018
Automatic feature weighting for improving financial Decision Support Systems Decision Support Systems 2017
Experimental Platform for Intelligent Computing (EPIC) Computación y Sistemas (CONACYT Index of Excellence of Mexican Journals) 2018
Fast COVID-19 and Pneumonia Classification Using Chest X-ray Images Mathematics 2020
Toward the Bleaching of the Black Boxes: Minimalist Machine Learning IT Professional 2020
A Novel and Simple Mathematical Transform Improves the Perfomance of Lernmatrix in Pattern Classification Mathematics 2020
A Transfer Learning Method for Pneumonia Classification and Visualization APPLIED SCIENCES - Basel 2020
Impact of Imbalanced Datasets Preprocessing in the Performance of Associative Classifiers Applied Sciences-Basel 2020
Prediction of High Capabilities in the Development of Kindergarten Children Applied sciences - Basel 2020
Generic extended multigranular sets for mixed and incomplete information systems Soft Computing 2020

Página 5 de 8, Viendo 20 registros de 145 en total, Registro inicial 81, registro final 100.