Publicaciones del autor

Francisco Hiram Calvo Castro

Titulo Descripción Año
Assigning Library of Congress Classification Codes to Books Based Only on their Titles Informatica (Ljubljana) 2010
Automatic Semantic Role Labeling using Selectional Preferences with Very Large Corpora Computación y Sistemas 2008
An innovative two-stage WSD unsupervised method Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 2008
Comparison of three techniques for automatic keyword extraction Research in Computing Science 2007
Analysis of music composition using the emile grammar inductor Research in Computing Science 2007
DILUCT: An open-source spanish dependency parser based on rules, heuristics, and selectional preferences Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Distributional thesaurus versus wordnet: A comparison of backoff techniques for unsupervised pp attachment Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2004
Extracting wordnet-like top concepts from machine readable explanatory dictionaries International Journal of Translation 2004
¿Platicar supone la capacidad de pensar? Conversus 2005
Esteganografía lingüística: el arte de ocultar información en el texto. Conversus 2005
Transforming a constituency treebank into a dependency treebank Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 2004
Extracting semantic categories of nouns for syntactic disambiguation from human-oriented explanatory dictionaries Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003
Acquiring ontology-linked selectional preferences from unannotated text Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003
Acquiring selectional preferences from untagged text for prepositional phrase attachment disambiguation Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003
Using selectional preferences for extending a synonymous paraphrasing method in steganography Research on Computing Science 2004
Improving disambiguation of prepositional phrase attachments using the web as corpus Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2002
Natural language interface framework for spatial object composition systems Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 2002
Image Processing Applied to Classification of Avocado Variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) During the Ripening Process Food and Bioprocess Technology 2011
The CR-Omega+ Classification Algorithm for Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Criminal Activity Journal of Applied Research and Technology 2010
Unsupervised WSD by Finding the Predominant Sense Using Context as a Dynamic Thesaurus Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2010

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