Publicaciones del autor

Marco Antonio Moreno Armendáriz

Titulo Descripción Año
A new fuzzy visual servoing with application to robot manipulator International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 2009
Módulo de visión por computadora en tiempo real para el control de un sistema plano-esfera Research in Computing Science 2008
System identification using hierarchical fuzzy neural networks with stable learning algorithm Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2007
Training cellular neural networks with stable learning algorithm Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
System identification using hierarchical fuzzy cmac neural networks Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
Robust Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators with Neuro Compensation Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics 2005
Modelo optico de estereo vision usando vision por computadora Revista del Centro de Investigación 2002
Control adaptable indirecto usando redes neuronales dinamicas Revista del Centro de Investigación 2000
Observer based neuro indentifier IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications 1999
Sistema de lectura de archivos ascii para invidentes por medio de una interfaz tactil a traves del puerto paralelo de una computadora Revista del Centro de Investigación 1994
FPGA implementation of Hebbian neural network for engineering educational Research in Computing Science 2007
Prey-predator dynamics and swarm intelligence on a cellular automata model Applied and Computational Mathematics 2012
Modeling and control in task-space of a mobile manipulator with cancellation of factory-installed proportional derivative control Computación y sistemas 2012
Stable adaptive compensation with fuzzy CMAC for an overhead crane Information Sciences 2011
Image Processing Applied to Classification of Avocado Variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) During the Ripening Process Food and Bioprocess Technology 2011
The CR-Omega+ Classification Algorithm for Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Criminal Activity Journal of Applied Research and Technology 2010
Indirect hierarchical FCMAC control for the ball and plate system Neurocomputing 2010
Hierarchical Fuzzy CMAC for Nonlinear Systems Modeling IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2008
Nonlinear Systems Identification via Two Types of Recurrent Fuzzy CMAC Neural Processing Letters 2008
Hardware implementation of the elitist compact Genetic Algorithm using Cellular Automata pseudo-random number generator Computers and Electrical Engineering 2013

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